Thursday, December 20, 2007

11 Methods To Cope With Stress

The stress symptoms are: lack of sleep, appetite, irrational fear, muscular jerking., permanent irritation, frequent depression attacks.

Stress is a very common disease in modern society.
Stress associated with work and business affects two of five employees, and one of five because of it quits his job.

  1. Vitamin C - reduces the formation of stress hormones, improves mood, as it stimulates such a chemical substance in the brain, as serotonin.
  2. Smells - everyone is relived by his own, especially smell. For some persons it is the smell of freshly baked bread, hot coffee and other will feel relaxed when smelling vanilla or orange.
  3. Group B Vitamins are essential to protect the body from stress. Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, supports the suprarenal gland.
    Vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of the happiness hormone - serotonin, a lack of B12 leads to the development of depression.
    Sources Group B vitamins: beans, poultry, fresh herbs, vegetables, liver, eggs, nuts.
  4. Zinc is known as an element that is capable to fight against the negative effects of stress. Zinc is an essential element for immunity, as it is necessary to create cells that help the body resist to viruses. Zinc is contained in Shrimp, pumpkin seeds, crabs and other molluscs, as well as in cashew nuts.
  5. Magnesium. Mainly the stress is an unexplained feeling of internal worry, a disorder of the heart rhythms, muscular jerking, pricking fingers to the tip - due to the magnesium deficiency.
  6. Dairy products - the source of tryptophan, one of the nutrients (improves mood) and anti-stressing chemicals.
  7. Sufficient sleep.
  8. Physical exercises.
  9. Humor - for the nervous system it is a quite powerful protection. It is necessary to carry our fears and weaknesses smiling rather than feed them with extra energy.
  10. Sex. Sex contributes to the producing of beta-endorphin, which effectively fight stress. It should also be remembered that the existence of latent infections, unpleasant symptoms, excretions, lead to chronic stress.
  11. Breathing techniques. You can sit 10 minutes with eyes closed, controlling your breath.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Man, Woman and Stress

Women most often blame themselves for what happened and their reaction is an abstract spillage of emotions. Most women cry, regardless of whether there is or isn't someone who can console her. Men tend to look for the cause for which the trouble occurred anything or anybody else, but not in themselves.

A man will more likely show annoyance, disrupting the evil on someone around, than allowing himself to discharge by crying. Unfortunately, in our society men are taught from childhood that "a crying boy - it's a shame," and thus, rather than naturally relieve himself, a man will cherish ill-will, till he gets to "explode".

However, it is men in stressful situations who are more accurate, cool-headed. Not in vain the same firemen, rescue workers and people of other hazardous occupations are usually men. They are less likely to lose their head.

Women are facing a much worser threat, especially when it comes to women-mothers. Assuming danger to her child, the mother may be insane and commit a senseless act, which she would never have done when cool-minded.

It must be said that the child is a permanent, additional cause of stress for any mother. Everyone naturally have to worry about himself, but for a woman, her child is another person who she constantly concerns about - even more than for herself.

And, unlike female animals that care for their kid, the smaller their child is - the more they care, the older -the less and cease to do so when they reach physical maturity, the human woman came to be reported to do the contrary. The older her child is, the more concern the mother has, and so happens up till the "baby" is old.

The man relates to the child differently, not considering him a "single entity" with himself, even if he is very attached to him. Apparently, the fact is that man, in his essence is polygamous.

Stress to men most often occurs because of vascular disturbances, functional disorders of the sexual sphere and bad habits.
Women are more prone to fear, depression. With age they become less organized, indecisive, it is often difficult to decide.

The woman, as a rule, is actively discussing with the surrounding persons: girlfriends, relatives - the causes of her stress. She does not feel ashamed to openly talk about her fears, while the man, from childhood taught to obey the wild rules, prefers to deal with the very complex situation own.

In fact, we can say that the reaction of men and women to stress is very different not because of personal differences and biological characteristics, but because of the education, certain norms of society, which they are taught from birth to respect. Although the physiology of values should not be belittled.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

With Stress On The Leg Friendly

Believing that stress is a synonym of irritation and overstrain, we make a deeply mistake. Traumatic stress situation is caused by more than 1400 physiochemical body reactions! And not all of them have as result a bad mood, which, by the way, can be avoided.
Adrenaline, endorphine and enkephaline - these substances are developed at the time of difficulties and create all the attendant feelings.

Stress is an ancient technique of survival. Therefore, its mechanism is primitive: operational, but inaccurate. Any special situation, a number of retiring won, instinctively scares us and adjusts the body to "fight". It doesn't matter: either somebody stepped on our leg in the subway, or we got fired - the "emergency" hormones are produces: adrenaline and norepinephrine. They are forced to work intensively in the body and increase by many times the muscle strength and mental activity.

The second phase of the stress mechanism includes the endorphines' and enkephalines' production - the so called "mood" hormones. Enkephaline causes negative emotions (if developments threaten the survival or are contrary to its tasks). It also reduces the pain. The endorphine causes positive emotions when things are conducive to the well-being of the body. It is a matter of relaxation and euphoria. That is to say, judging by how people cope with the difficulties, this make them happy or upset.

The Chinese word "stress" is a two hieroglyph, which means danger and opportunity. Everyone chooses for himself what would stress mean for him/her.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Ranking Of Most Depressive Professions in USA

The baby-sitters and nurses, as well as members of other public caterers more often suffer from depression. That is the conclusion of The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), who researched the relationship between the profession and the risk of depression, reported The Washington Post.

In the study, scientists used the national survey data (National Survey of Drug Use and Health), which involved more than 60,000 people. Among those surveyed, there were persons working full time, people aged 18 to 64 years. "Depression Ratings" cover 21 fields of professional activities.

The largest number of people suffering from depression was registered among those who take care of elderly and sick people, as well as nurses caring for small children. Almost 11% of workers in this field each year suffer from depression for two or more weeks.

On the second place are public catering workers - waiters, cooks and bartenders: 10,3% of them are exposed to the symptoms of depression - bad mood, accompanied by bad sleep, loss of appetite, and the impairing concentration.

The third place was taken by social and health workers. Among them 9,6% suffered from depression.

Less exposed to depressions were stated to be the architects, engineers and scientists: only 4,3% of them experienced symptoms of depression.

Results of the survey showed that 7% of working people experienced depression at least once a year, with a length more than two weeks. Among the unemployed this amount increased to 12,7%. Women suffer from depression more often than men, and young people more often than the older, was stated in report. So, working full-time would appear to help prevent depression.

Depression of the employees affects the income of employers. Every year for that reason American companies are losing between 30 and 40 billion dollars, said the SAMHSA report.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Lower The Stress In Your Life

You can get down your stress at work and at home for a better living. It can be done by organizing and structuring your life.

Both: the work and the home stress you out, this makes your whole life stressful.
First of all you need to organize your time at work and at home. This is the usually cause of people getting stressed out. When you are not organizing things in time, they are done at the last moment, which develops into stress. Get your time at home structured too: if coming home and doing 50 things at the same time, you are not completing anything. This (not completed things) makes you feel disappointingly unsuccessful and incomplete, leading again to stress.

Stop, and organize your work surroundings. Get you work routine structured as you do have one, not getting all the things done whenever you have the chance. Of course there are always happening unexpected things, but things won't get out of control so much if you'll have most of them well organized and structured.

Another good method of keeping stress out of life is allowing time for yourself at the workplace and at home. Take a few days at home for just relaxing - do not do anything important. Just do what you have to do and after that have some time for yourself. The same can be done at work - try to take breaks if you're not too busy.

Not taking time for ourselves and not organizing our life brings the stress state. Enjoy the time whenever you get the chance, relax and be the master of your time.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How to cope with stress

We can not live like a programmed machine. There are moments when not being nervous is impossible. In such a moment we should stop dramatizing events for keeping our nerves in order. Here are some recommendations on how to bring ourselves to a normal condition.

If you are confused and can not find a solution to the torturing problem, sit before a mirror and start saying the situation aloud. At first, you will think that it's a little strange to do it, but then you'll get accustomed and it's very likely to "agree" to the right decision.

If you are very angry at someone, grab a piece of paper and write on it all you think about the person, without selecting words. Then crumple the sheet and throw it away or burn it. Right away you will feel energized, and at the same time will understand that this person isn't fit to hold a candle.

If you just need to ease, take a warm shower, you can even cry under the jet of water, sing your favorite song, yell or scream - whatever you wish. Then have a rest and you will feel quite good.

To prevent stress, do more action, make physical activity, sport. If this is possible,put a tennis table in the office, and relive the psychological tension by shooting the ball with the racket-you will learn to play at the same time.

But the main thing is try to evaluate our own behavior in a given situation. If you acknowledge your mistake, then apologize to the involved person, and be simpler and kinder to the people around you.

Be a diplomat with your chief, and with colleagues. Try calculate your behavior and that of yor fellow, guess their thoughts. But be careful: the line between diplomacy and fawning is very thin. Assessing your own opportunities establish a goal and follow it clearly.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Yawning - The Easiest Remedy Against Stress

Despite the popular opinion that Yawning is a sign of fatigue and not getting enough sleep, it stimulates brain activity, increases the tone of the body and improves blood circulation in the heart and lungs. But the main thing is that it relieves stress!

"For people suffering from diseases of vocal apparatus, bronchial asthma, hypertension, vascular brain cramps, etc. are useful exercises on "yawning" (gymnastics mouth), says the Professor theatrical speech Edward Chareli .

Even the ancient doctors used to recommend their patients to yawn as often as possible, but to learn yawning at order, you need to learn a special gymnastics for the throat apparatus.

Exercise 1. Open your mouth, look in the mirror at your cavity though, yawn (4-8-12 times).

Exercise 2. 4-8-12 times pronounce the sounds K, G, G- K, K-G. They strengthen the throat muscles.

Exercise 3. Mouth closed. Extend nostrils. Yawn with closed mouth 4-8-12 times.

Exercise 4. Say the sounds of A:-O:-U: successively, trying not to open the mouth but the throat cavities.

Exercise 5. Open mouth, and looking in the mirror at cavity though, yawn trying to uphold yawning with the sounds MMM, spelling them strictly affirmative (4 times).

Exercise 6. Yawning, rotate the head from left to right and vice versa (4-8-12 time).

These simple exercises of "yawning" strengthen your voice and health.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Coffee Can Cause The Stress

A lot of people enjoy their coffee first thing in the morning, but this can have a side effect besides wakening us up! It turns out that coffee affects the region of the brain that controls the anxiety and this can often stress people out.

It was proven that if a coffee is taken before 1P.M, the stress and anxiety effects can last till late evening. This could be high blood pressure, nervousness and restlessness and usually they affect the sleep.

During the studying process it was made an experiment with a group of volunteers. On the first day they drunk a coffee with a normal amount of caffeine in it and next day they had a placebo. The participants were more stressed when taking the caffeine and there was registered a little higher blood pressure and the produced stress hormone (norepinephrine) was about 30 percent more comparatively with the second day.

So, consider that when you are consuming a cup of coffee in the morning, it will need about 4 hours to get rid of half the portion of caffeine you took, and after 8 hours not all of it would be out of your blood.

Coffee is pleasant in the morning, but if you are stress related or have any type of heart disease - decrease the amount of coffee you drink, or even give up on it.

Friday, August 17, 2007

How To Help Others Relax

There are a lot of people stressed out around us, and there are a lot of people who try to help them coping with it, but are doing it wrong. While trying to help, they only make the situation worse - not being aware of it. It's very important to know what to do in order to help, not hurt.

Stressed people have necessity of safety and company, do not forget that helping them takes a lot of time. You will have to dedicate yourself to them, communicate very often, walk together - this may last weeks or even months. Just a strong and close relationship can help stress affected persons.

One important thing to take care of is to give him or her an occupation, this way they do not have time for worrying. Involve them in a game, sports would be great -the more they move, the better. Video or console games help to relax and to gather attention too.
If a person stays stressed for a long period of time, she is going to have difficulties with her problem-solving ability, meanwhile advancing in the self-hiding matter. Such persons won't ask for help, but you should observe these signs in the behavior and offer your aid. First, involve in the persons' activity, and then co-work with them better than work for them.

It's sometimes hard to detect stress, thats why it is a very perilous foe. Pay attention on your friends and family not to miss the first signs. The symptoms of having stress are: absent-minding, irritation, increase in the respiratory rate to get more oxygen, isolating from others and many more. The specific signs and symptoms of stress vary from person to person, but all have the potential to harm the health, emotional well-being, and relationships with others. Not less important is to understand the sources of stress - its a BIG step for the treatment.

Remember that your mission is to help, and supporting the suffering persons is one of the best things you can do for them.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Anxiety Self Help Techniques

Individuals who suffer from anxiety know how important it is to try to achieve anxiety self help. At its worst, anxiety can lead to very serious problems, such as complete avoidance of many everyday activities.

While we all worry and feel anxious from time to time it is important to distinguish that anxiety disorder is not the same as simply experiencing occasional worry. Anxiety disorder is a type of extreme worry and anxiety that goes on for prolonged periods of time. Individuals who suffer from anxiety disorder experience debilitating symptoms which can flare into a full fledged anxiety attack.

Common symptoms of an anxiety attack include:

• An unrealistic view of problems

• Excessive worry and tension

• Irritability

• Sweating

• Muscle tension

• Restlessness

• Feeling edgy

• Nausea

• Difficulty concentrating

• Headaches

• Tiredness, lethargy and fatigue

• Urinating frequently

• Sleep disturbances

• Trembling

• Easily startled

The effects of anxiety disorder can be quite serious, leading to other problems such as avoidance behavior, low self-esteem, depression, alcohol or drug abuse and interpersonal difficulties.

Taking the time to learn about anxiety is one positive step toward achieving self help. It is important to stress that anxiety is treatable. The pain and discomfort of this disorder can be relieved by taking positive steps toward recovery. Coping techniques can help to relieve anxiety so that you can begin to live a normal life.

Breathing exercises have been found to be especially helpful for individuals who feel as though they are about to experience an anxiety attack. Due to the fact that one of the most common symptoms is rapid breathing when anxiety sets in, it is important to take slow, shallow breaths. Focus on breathing deeply to help counteract the automatic reaction of rapid breathing that is often triggered by an anxiety attack.

Oddly enough, make a pointed effort to try to increase your anxiety symptoms can also have a reverse calming effect.

Speaking positively to yourself when you feel anxious can also have a tremendously calming effect. Tell yourself that your symptoms will diminish. Remind yourself that this will pass and you will make it through it. As you speak positively to yourself, you will likely find that your symptoms have already started to lessen.

f necessary, you may even find it helpful to write down some supportive statements on index cards and carry them with you. Then, when you are feeling anxious and cannot focus on speaking positively to yourself, you will have the positive statements to read. This is a great portable tool that can be used anywhere and anytime you feel anxious.

Finally, make a pointed effort to discuss your anxiety with someone you trust. This could be a family member or friend or you might think about joining an anxiety support group where you can discuss your anxiety with others who experience the same issues.

It is possible to overcome anxiety and the debilitating effects of anxiety with positive anxiety self help methods.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Stress and Sex

By: MN_Nikk

Sex is part of our daily lives. Between work-related deadlines and bills coming in by the handful, it’s no wonder that even the strongest feel the pressure. Most men have an unshakable confidence in their ability to take everything that life throws at them and then some, but this is not always the case.

While you’re thinking that you’re on top of everything and not needing any kind of help, you might be actually shifting the pressure to those who stick by you: lovers, relatives and friends. Even though you may not feel it, it’s a good idea to take a good look around once in a while and see if things are still the same.

One of the surest signs of stress is the feeling that things were better some time ago. If you’ve been staring out the window, wondering where the free time for books, music, walks in the park and love went, then you’re having too much on your plate and you are stressed. If you feel you no longer enjoy certain things like you used to, then you may suffer from stress.

Unfortunately sex also gets between you and the lady you love. Are you cranky at home on a daily basis? Do you fight often and over things that are not really that important? Are you still having sex often and is it still good for both of you? If you’ve answered no to these questions, then you might wish to review your choices.

Since going out of control in the face of stress and telling various people (bosses, policemen, rude individuals and chatty salespeople) what you really think about them is not usually an option, you keep it inside while in public and dump it at home. Stress comes between you and the pleasures of life, such as sex, good music and good food.

Sex is a great way of curing stress, but most times sex is actually the victim of stress. Stressed people have no time to take things slow. They have neither the time, nor the inclination to really savour the moment and make it fun for the other. In the end, sex becomes a sort of routine that nobody really likes.

However, things don’t have to be this way. Even though the job is a bore and the boss is driving you wild, even though bills are piling up and all sorts of problems seem to literally come out of the blue, you can still relax. Just shut the whole world out and make an effort to forget about your problems. Are you in a hurry? So what? Whatever it is, it can wait.

Have sex often. It makes dopamine run loose around your brain and puts a smile on your face. Go running in the park. Instead of working late, go out with your friends. Exercise helps your body produce more testosterone, which in turn helps you handle stress better. Socializing takes your mind off deadlines and other problems. Just go and spend an evening with the friends. Everything else can wait.

Give yourself presents from time to time. It may be an extra half hour of sleep. Or some food you really like. Or a movie. It doesn’t really matter what it is, but chose things that make you enjoy your life more. And learn to unwind. Put some soft music on the stereo and sink in a comfortable armchair. Put your feet up and drift away. It’s the best thing for you.

Article Source:

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Tips For Managing The Stressful Things

Some things in life are a necessity and unfortunately, stress is one of them. It does not matter if you think that you want to deal with it, the activities of everyday life will have an effect on your physical and mental aptitude. It may not be a noticeable difference but, it will eventually make itself known.

It seems that when tress comes to a troublesome place in our lives and begins to affect our health do we start to take action. This is the wrong way to deal with it. It should be that we begin at the beginning before it gets to the point of bothering the body. This is where managing the stress comes into action. Listed are some ways to start your journey on dealing with stress on a daily basis.

A. Start by Recognizing What Causes Your Stress – Start by recognizing the things that will set the stress in motion. These may be situations that push you to the point where you feel that you are not able to deal anymore. These things are different for each person because each person is different. Your personality, lifestyle, and DNA can be the deciding factors in how you are going to act to the stress. When you begin to feel the stress, write down what caused it. A journal about your stresses and a list for time management each week will help. Set aside time each week to look over what is written in the journal and begin to work to make them better.

B. Manage Your Time Better – When you begin to take better care of the time you have, prioritizing the items, you will begin to lower stress on yourself. You might try to make deadlines for yourself that are not unreachable, lower what you expect from yourself, start forming good habits for your life, organizing your desk or home, and making lists to help you stay on track. You will want to look at the list during the day to make sure you are in the right order of finishing those things that are most important. You may even want to get yourself a planner and organize your lists. Give yourself quiet time without=t interruptions for those things that are hard or important for you to finish.

C. Conquer Your Exhaustion – The main thing that will cause you to become stressed is to be tired or burned out. When you feel that work is not fun you can cause other things in your life to become effected. Your relationships with friends and family and your ability to provide for yourself are in jeopardy. Being indifferent to your work can cause you to become frustrated, sarcastic, easily provoked into arguments, and anger issues. These show that stress needs to be gotten under control.

Techniques for dealing with stress are;
1. Giving yourself time off from work
2. Taking a vacation
3. Taking more small breaks at work
4. Having a healthy diet
5. Getting enough sleep
6. Exercise
7. Giving yourself boundaries
8. Start to say “NO” when it is necessary
9. Have more friend in and out of the office
10. Have someone you can talk to about things
11. Stay away from negative people even if they are your friends

When you provide yourself with a way out of a stressful situation like with exercising, you will be able to relax and take your mind off what is going on. See a professional if you are unable to get rid of the burned out feeling.

These techniques are easy to follow and will help to lower your stress. Stress comes with life but, learning to deal with it will make it more bearable.

By: Wade Robins

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

When You Need Medication For Panic Attacks

By: Ian Jefferson

It is necessary to take panic attack medication for the treatment of panic disorders. There is a wide variety of medications available and most need a prescription and cannot be purchased over the counter. When a person suffers from a panic disorder, the symptoms may include accelerated heartbeat, palpitations, sweating and various forms of distortions. One of the problems associated with suffering from severe panic attacks is that the person suffers from fear and anxiety of future panic attacks which may increase the symptoms and could cause other health problems. Treatment with panic attack medication is therefore essential.

Panic attack medications that allow the individual to feel calm, relaxed and at ease belong to a group of medicines referred to as Benzodiazepines, also referred to as sedatives or tranquilizers. When taking this form of panic attack medication, one may experience a decrease in panic attack disorder symptoms. The disadvantage of using Benzodiazepines is that they are addictive and cause constant fatigue. Various forms of this type of medication include Librium, Valium, Ativan and Xanax.

Antidepressants are also a form of panic attack medication which is used to treat long-term symptoms of panic disorder. On many occasions, the individual suffering from the panic disorder is also suffering from depression, therefore this form of treatment is utilized. Antidepressants work with the neurotransmitters in the brain, which send and receive messages, to control the symptoms caused by the anxiety disorder. Various types of antidepressants include Celexa, Pamelor, Elavil, Prozac and Luvox, to name just a few. These antidepressants all work with either one or two neurotransmitters in the brain, each targeting a particular source or symptom of anxiety.

When taking this form of panic attack medication, there are a number of adverse side effects that one may suffer from. As with any medication, not all individuals suffer from these side-effects, while some individuals may only suffer from one or two of these side-effects, and othersmay experience several. Side effects include, nausea, headaches, migraines, constipation, fatigue, hyperactivity, dry mouth, sexual dysfunction, and in some instances, dependency.

Not everyone suffering from panic attacks needs to take panic attack medication. In fact, many people are able to cope with their panic disorder in their own unique way. Some individuals do, however, consult a counselor to assist them with coping with and relieving their symptoms and disorder while other individuals have counseling sessions in addition to taking some or other form of panic attack medication.

When utilizing the resources that are available for the treatment of panic disorder, one should see a noticeable improvement in 6-8 weeks, however, medication and behavioral treatments may continue for much longer. There are many individuals who need to take prescribed medication for a period of 12 months or even longer. The same applies to counseling treatment. As a treatable disorder, panic attacks should not go untreated or ignored. With many proven techniques and remedies available, leading a normal and functional lifestyle is entirely possible for the anxiety or panic attack sufferer.

Article Source:

Friday, July 13, 2007

Stress Relief and Relaxation

The world we live in is an extremely stressful place. And not only can that stress be overwhelming, it can also wreak havoc on your health. Without a daily stress relief and relaxation routine, you will see the long-term effects of daily stress all too soon. Don’t wait a day longer to start a stress relief program.

The first step to stress relief and relaxation is to create a relaxation space at home. Find a spot that is away from all the noise in your home and that makes you feel peaceful. This spot might be in your bedroom, your den, your garage or even a closet. The only thing that matters is that it is quiet and has a place for you to sit comfortably.

Once you have a space in your home set aside for stress management, don’t just leave it at that! Stress relief and relaxation is something that deserves your attention daily. Make sure you visit this spot often, many times a day if needed. Consider learning about meditation or picking up some yoga techniques to aid you in stress reduction. These practices are proven stress reducers and just might be your ticket to a more peaceful life.

Another option for stress relief and relaxation is exercise. This might be a high-paced cardio exercise, or a slower exercise such as yoga. Only you know what is best for you. Consider exercising in your special relaxation spot to maximize your stress relief. With your new stress relief and relaxation routine, your life will be calmer, easier and more enjoyable.

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your mind and body and get in shape as well as a great way to unwind after a long day. Whatever your yoga clothes and equipment needs, we have the information and resources to point you in the right direction. We have yoga music, mats, clothes, pants, videos and journals as well as information on the different yoga techniques, postures and the history of yoga. If you are interested in becoming a yoga teacher learn more about yoga instructor certifications in your city or state.

Article Source:

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Role Of Thought In Stress Management

Your thoughts direct your emotional Energy. In other words what you think about will create how you feel .

I was traveling from Queens to Staten Island (here in New York City) on a hot rainy day. The subway tracks in Manhattan had flooded so the trains were barely running. Here I was standing in an extremely hot and humid underground station, sweating so much I thought I would melt. I noticed that several individuals around me were getting angry and frustrated. Which led to some complaining. The more they complained the more frustrated they got.

In the heat, surrounded by stressed people I realized that I was getting frustrated as well. So I thought of something that I enjoy doing and would be doing in the very near future. In this case it was sitting on my computer and working on an article. I took a deep breath and imagined sitting on my computer in my air conditioned room writing. I let a smile fill my body. That broke the stress.

Next, I knew I had to change my outlook on the present situation. I realized I could start writing right away. This way I could use the train delays to my advantage to get ahead in my work. By this time I was excited and humming to myself as I stood in the heat writing in my notebook.

Much of the stress in our everyday lives can come from our thought processes. How we perceive a situation can be off and so we can feel that we are off. We can jump to wrong conclusions about people's motives and so be seen as unreasonable. All of this can send us spinning downward into a spiral of negative thinking and so stress is born.

Here are some effective and simple tools that help to change this negative thinking.

Affirmations are a very powerful tool, especially when used with some proper mental imagery and good breathing patterns.

Here are 5 rules of affirmations to create the internal state you desire

1.Say exactly what you want with positive words.
If you want to feel relaxed, your affirmation should be about relaxation. NOT "I don't want to feel uneasy", because the image you are creating in your mind is of being uneasy, not relaxed.

2. Phrase your affirmations in the present tense.
Example; don't say "I want to feel relaxed", instead say "I am feeling more and more relaxed".

3. Be specific with what you want. You can use as much detail as you like.
Example; "My legs are relaxing more and more making the muscle in my feet loosen and relax" and so on.

4. Use simple and emotionally stimulating words.
Example; "It feels so wonderful to be this relaxed and peaceful".

5. Be repetitive.
Repeat your affirmation as many times as you like. Meditate on it as long as you like. It will help you integrate it into your subconscious mind.

Article Source:

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Stress Will Rule Your Life If You Allow It

Everyone gets stressed out from time to time, but how do you know when it's hit a danger point in your life? Feeling a bit anxious, or stressed, when you're trying to meet an important deadline at work, or when you have to stand up and give a speech at the PTA, is completely normal. But when you begin to feel overwhelmed by life's most ordinary tasks, too much stress may be the culprit.

Experiencing chronic anxiety is never good for the body. When the body can't stop itself from releasing the chemicals and hormones associated with the natural fight or flight mode severe stress and its often-debilitating symptoms may occur.

Stress can affect the body physically, emotionally and even behaviorally. Some dangers signs to watch out for include:

Emotional Distress.
When you find your emotions running rampant, it may be time to evaluate the stressors in your life. Sudden mood swings, unexplained anxiety, difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, trouble concentrating, and even excess worry and feeling tense all of the time, are all danger signs of stress.

Behavioral Signs.
Do you find yourself overreacting at the slightest things? Do you act on impulse or withdraw from relationships with friends, family, or even your co-workers? Are you using drugs or alcohol more lately than ever before? It could be that the stresses in your life are beginning to have a negative impact on the way you handle the pressures around you.

Physical Symptoms.
Stress can have a huge negative effect on a person's overall health and well-being. When stress begins to build up over time, with little or no release, anxiety can turn inward, causing both annoying physical complaints such as headaches, tense muscles and tiredness, to more severe ailments including chest pain, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes, among others. Stress overload has even been linked to an increased risk of some cancers.

Once a person begins to exhibit these danger signs, chances are stress has already begun to impact their lives in a negative way. They may be already feeling overwhelmed, chronically tired, or have a list of more serious health complaints.

Depression too has been linked to chronic stress, especially for those with a family history of the disease. Special care should be taken when the stressors in life begin to impact you so greatly that chronic feelings of sadness ensue. Depression, like stress, can be treated with medication and therapy and should never be ignored.

Stress has a place in everyone's life. It is an excellent source of power and can help us to overcome great obstacles and face emergencies with clarity and focus. Too much, however, can turn us inward, strip our confidence, and overwhelm us so greatly that we are unable to complete even the most simple tasks. Stress can make us stronger, or it can deplete us of our reserves, leaving us exhausted and overwhelmed. Learning how to recognize when you're experiencing too much stress, and finding ways to better deal with it are essential to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

By: Matthew Hick

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Friday, July 6, 2007

How Does Stress Affect Health?

Stress affects health in several ways and unfortunately not one of them affects health in a good way. Here is a look at the various adverse ways that stress affects your health.

1. Stress Causes Insomnia

Stress can make you unable to sleep properly and in some cases will lead to total insomnia. Even if you can manage to get some sleep it will still be of a poor quality and reduce your vitality and productivity.

2. Stress Saps You Of Energy

Stress will sap you of all of the energy that you need to function properly. When this is combined with the inability to sleep properly it becomes a vicious cycle.

3. Stress Affects Your Attitude To Food

Stress can do this to you in one of two ways and unfortunately, once again, neither of them is in a positive way. Some people can be driven to stress eat and on the other hand some people can’t manage to eat anything when faced with the pressures of stress.

4. Stress Can Lead To Unhealthy Habits

This is one of the most destructive parts of stress where it leads to a downward spiral. For example, you may feel stressed and then you decide to have an alcoholic drink or smoke cigarettes, etc. Since these already have a damaging effect on health and on the mind, when coupled with an already badly stressed person it can be very harmful.

In response to the question “How does stress affect health?” it is absolutely certain that the answer is stress affects health in a very damaging way. Therefore it is absolutely essential that you find ways to control stress, relax and unwind.

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Thursday, July 5, 2007

An Overview Of Stress and Stress Relief

The topic of stress relief has been the object of controversy in recent decades due to the various ways to administer it. There are different ways for different cultures. Where the Hindus have yoga the Japanese have Zen. Both of these methods are excellent in relieving stress. There are many types of yoga and this practice includes stretching of the muscles and various positions to relax each body part. Meditation and concentration for each movement will eventually with continued effort give you a youthful glow and allow you to keep stress levels at a minimum. Zen, on the other, hand is a style focusing on more of the meditation. Zen is a more philosophical approach to stress relief and really works if practiced on a regular schedule.

Other ways to relieve stress include deep breathing exercises, light physical exercise, reading, getting out into nature, the calming effects of light music; each individual has their own method. Some may prefer bingo or bowling while another may choose baking or smoking a cigarette. Whatever the choice, there are certain consequences. For instance, if you choose to smoke to relieve your stress it may not be the best solution and could result in a health risk. Other ways to relieve stress are acupuncture and hypnosis. These must only be done by a professional. To locate a professional simply use the internet or it's as easy as your phone book under physicians or alternative medicine.

When you decide that relieving your stress level is what has to be done, consult your doctor. He or she will be able to determine whether your chosen method will be the best for you, and any adverse effects will then be discussed. Your physician may prescribe medication for you if you are at a risk for other problems. The problem about
Stress relief is to not do anything at all. Some people are not aware they are at risk for problems such as heart attack and stroke.

You can also look to different types of therapy in order to help you reduce your stress levels as well. It is very easy to maintain a relaxed mind and body if you just have the tools and knowledge. We all have to deal with life's every day stresses but they don't have to destroy our lives. Being able to control our stress levels is important to our overall body health. Making some time for yourself that is quiet and free from things like your children or your spouse is very important because just because we love the people in our lives; they often cause a lot of our stress.

By: Abbas Abedi

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