Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Ranking Of Most Depressive Professions in USA

The baby-sitters and nurses, as well as members of other public caterers more often suffer from depression. That is the conclusion of The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), who researched the relationship between the profession and the risk of depression, reported The Washington Post.

In the study, scientists used the national survey data (National Survey of Drug Use and Health), which involved more than 60,000 people. Among those surveyed, there were persons working full time, people aged 18 to 64 years. "Depression Ratings" cover 21 fields of professional activities.

The largest number of people suffering from depression was registered among those who take care of elderly and sick people, as well as nurses caring for small children. Almost 11% of workers in this field each year suffer from depression for two or more weeks.

On the second place are public catering workers - waiters, cooks and bartenders: 10,3% of them are exposed to the symptoms of depression - bad mood, accompanied by bad sleep, loss of appetite, and the impairing concentration.

The third place was taken by social and health workers. Among them 9,6% suffered from depression.

Less exposed to depressions were stated to be the architects, engineers and scientists: only 4,3% of them experienced symptoms of depression.

Results of the survey showed that 7% of working people experienced depression at least once a year, with a length more than two weeks. Among the unemployed this amount increased to 12,7%. Women suffer from depression more often than men, and young people more often than the older, was stated in report. So, working full-time would appear to help prevent depression.

Depression of the employees affects the income of employers. Every year for that reason American companies are losing between 30 and 40 billion dollars, said the SAMHSA report.

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